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Right to Repair Portal

                                     Right to Repair Portal     

Why in News- The Centre has asked automobile companies to join the Unified Right to Repair Portal India, launched by the Department of Consumer Affairs to provide consumers easy access to information to repair their products and enable them to reuse it.

UPSC Syllabus:

Prelims: Current Affairs of National and International Importance

Mains: GS-II, GS-III: Government Policies and Interventions; Environmental Pollution and Degradation.

Government call to automakers 

• The Government of India has urged automobile companies to join the Unified Right to Repair Portal India, launched by the Department of Consumer Affairs.

• The portal is designed to provide consumers easy access to repair information, enabling them to reuse their products and extend their life.

• The initiative aims to address issues related to planned obsolescence, limited access to repair tools and information, and availability of genuine spare parts.

• It was emphasized that products that cannot be repaired or are subject to planned obsolescence force consumers to buy new products, thereby increasing e-waste.

• It aims to remove barriers such as limited access to tools or repair information, to ensure that consumers have full ownership of the products they purchase.

Right to Repair Portal

• Right to Repair Portal India is an initiative by the Department of Consumer Affairs to facilitate the exchange of repair-related information between consumers and manufacturers.

• The portal aims to empower consumers by providing them access to necessary repair documentation and tools, thereby promoting sustainability and reducing electronic waste.

The primary objectives of the portal include:

Consumer Empowerment: To provide access to detailed repair manuals and spare parts.

Environmental Sustainability: To encourage the repair and reuse of products to reduce e-waste.

Economic benefits: Helping consumers save money on repairs and reduce the need for new purchases.

Consumer Protection Act, 2019

The Consumer Protection Act, 2019, is a comprehensive law aimed at protecting consumer rights in India. The key features of the Act include:

Consumer rights: Protection against unfair trade practices, right to seek redressal, and right to information about the quality and standard of goods and services.

Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission: Establishment of national, state, and district-level commissions to redress consumer complaints.  

E-commerce regulations: Specific provisions for e-commerce entities to ensure transparency and consumer protection.    

Status of e-waste management in India        

India is one of the largest producers of electronic waste globally. The rapid pace of technological advancement and increasing consumption of electronic devices contribute significantly to this issue. Here are the key points related to e-waste management in India:

E-waste generation: According to the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), India generated around 1.2 million tonnes of e-waste in 2019-20.

Law: The E-waste (Management) Rules, 2016, mandates producers to implement Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for the collection and recycling of e-waste.

Factors contributing to e-waste in India

Rapid technological advancement: Frequent updates and new product launches make consumers upgrade their devices regularly, resulting in older devices being discarded.

High consumption rate: With increasing affordability and accessibility, the consumption of electronic gadgets and devices has increased, leading to an increase in e-waste. 

Planned obsolescence: Many products are designed with a limited lifespan, causing consumers to replace them before they are needed.

Lack of repair infrastructure: Inadequate repair services and high repair costs often make it cheaper for consumers to buy new products rather than repair old ones.

Steps taken for efficient e-waste management

E-waste (Management) Rules, 2016: These rules mandate producers to implement Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), ensuring that e-waste is collected and recycled responsibly.

Authorised e-waste recyclers: Establishment of authorised recycling facilities to process e-waste in an environmentally friendly manner.

Public awareness campaigns: The government and NGOs are running awareness programs to educate consumers about the importance of recycling e-waste.

Digital initiatives: Platforms such as Swachh Bharat Mission and Digital India promote responsible disposal and recycling practices.

Key challenges in ensuring protection of consumer rights in India

Lack of awareness: Many consumers are not aware of their rights and the mechanisms available for redressal.

Ineffective implementation: Despite strong laws, enforcement of consumer protection regulations remains weak in many sectors.

Complex grievance redressal process: The process of filing a complaint and seeking redressal can be cumbersome and time-consuming for consumers.

Market Disruptions: The prevalence of counterfeit products and deceptive practices in the market further complicates consumer rights protection.

Steps to tackle the challenge of rising e-waste

Strengthening EPR: Ensuring strict compliance with Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) regulations and making producers accountable for the entire lifecycle of their products.

Enhancing Repair Infrastructure: Developing and supporting a robust network of repair services to increase the lifespan of electronic products.

Promoting Circular Economy: Encouraging reuse and recycling of electronic products through incentives and public awareness campaigns.

Legislative Support: Strengthening existing laws and enacting new regulations to effectively manage e-waste and ensure protection of consumer rights.

Encouraging Consumer Responsibility: Educating consumers about the environmental impact of e-waste and promoting responsible consumption and disposal practices.  


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