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Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Summit

                             Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Summit      

Why in News- Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit held in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan on July 4, Indian Foreign Minister S Jaishankar held talks with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi. 

UPSC Syllabus:

Prelims: Current Affairs of National and International Importance

Mains: GS-II: International Relations

What is Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO)?

• The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) is a political, economic, and security alliance formed in Shanghai in 2001.

• Initially, it comprised six member countries: China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

• The SCO was built on the foundation of the “Shanghai Five” group, which was established in 1996 to address regional security concerns after the dissolution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR).

• The organization aims to promote cooperation in security, economy, and cultural exchange among member countries.

What is the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS)?

• The Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS) is a permanent Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) organ, headquartered in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

• Established to enhance cooperation among member countries in combating terrorism, separatism, and extremism, RATS is key in coordinating counter-terrorism activities.

• It assists in preparing and staging counter-terrorism exercises, analyzing intelligence, and sharing information on terrorist activities and drug trafficking.

What is the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)?

• The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a major infrastructure project that aims to link the Gwadar port in Pakistan with China’s Xinjiang region through a network of highways, railways, and pipelines.

• Launched in 2015, the CPEC is a flagship project under China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

• It is designed to improve trade and economic connectivity between the two countries.

• However, the CPEC has been controversial, especially for India, as it passes through Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, which India considers its territory.

Challenges with the SCO

Unable to deliver results

• A major criticism of the SCO is that it cannot deliver substantial, actionable results.

• Despite its ambitious goals, many initiatives launched by the SCO lack clear parameters and concrete steps for implementation, often resulting in symbolic results rather than practical achievements.

Managing rivalries     

• The SCO faces significant challenges in managing its member countries’ rivalries and conflicting interests.

• For example, India and Pakistan, which have been SCO members since 2017, have a long history of mutual hostility.

• Additionally, tense relations between India and China further complicate cooperation within the organization.

Structural and operational issues

• The SCO’s decision-making process can be cumbersome and slow due to the need for consensus among its diverse members.

• This often leads to delays and weakened initiatives that fail to address pressing issues effectively.

Ongoing conflicts among SCO members

India-Pakistan tensions

• India and Pakistan have a history of conflict, primarily over the region of Kashmir.

• These tensions occasionally flare up, impacting their cooperation within the SCO.

• Recent ceasefire violations and border clashes highlight the persistent volatility in their relationship.

India-China border dispute

• India and China have ongoing disputes along their shared border, including notable incidents such as the 2020 Galwan Valley clash.

• These border tensions affect their ability to cooperate within the SCO framework, thereby impacting broader regional cooperation efforts.

Russia-China competition for influence

• While Russia and China publicly proclaim a strategic partnership, there is underlying competition for influence in the SCO and Central Asia.

• Russia has traditionally viewed Central Asia as its sphere of influence, while China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has significantly increased its economic footprint in the region.

What was the significance of India hosting the SCO

Strategic engagement

• Hosting the SCO summit provided India with a platform to strategically engage with Central Asian countries and other key regional countries.

• This engagement is important for India to strengthen its ties and explore new areas of cooperation, especially in the security and economic spheres.

Demonstration of leadership

• India’s role as the host highlighted its commitment to regional cooperation and its ability to lead such an important international forum.

• It also gave India a chance to showcase its diplomatic prowess and directly interact with other member countries on key issues.

Addressing security concerns

• By hosting the summit, India can focus on addressing pressing security concerns such as terrorism and regional stability through the SCO’s Regional Anti-Terrorism Structure (RATS).

• It can also inspire greater cooperation in combating terrorism, which is a key concern for India.

Relevance of SCO in the current world order

Alternatives to Western-led organisations

• The SCO is often seen as an alternative to Western-led international organisations such as NATO and the European Union (EU).

• With key countries such as China and Russia, the SCO provides a platform for these countries to promote a multipolar world order and balance US influence.

Economic and infrastructure development

• Through initiatives such as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the SCO facilitates critical economic and infrastructure development projects in member countries, enhancing connectivity and trade opportunities across Asia.

Addressing regional security issues

• The SCO plays a key role in addressing regional security issues, particularly through its focus on counter-terrorism, counter-insurgency, and counter-separatism efforts.

• The SCO’s facilitation of cooperation is essential for preserving stability in a region with numerous security challenges.

Promoting multilateral diplomacy

• The SCO provides a unique platform for multilateral diplomacy, enabling dialogue and cooperation among countries with different political systems and ideologies.

It promotes a more inclusive approach to international relations and global governance.       


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